Everyone Should Take a Solo Trip and Here is Why

Traveling solo for the first time might seem a little scary. You might think that you will be bored since there will be no one close you can speak to. And, depending on the situation, you might think it would be frightening to be alone in an unfamiliar place. However, there are many great places around the world that are great for traveling alone. Solo traveling makes us better in every possible way. While it has its advantages and disadvantages, the benefits far outweigh the cons.

Here is a list of a few advantages of solo traveling:


Those who travel alone usually cite freedom as the great motivating factor. Absolute freedom gives you the ability to do what you want when you want. If you want to eat at a certain restaurant, you can. If you want to stop at a certain place for hours on end, you can. No one will make you feel that you need to hurry things up. You can even change your plans on a whim when you hear about something that is a “must-see” or a “must-do.” There are no negotiations and no compromises. Solo traveling provides you with the freedom to conquer the world on your own terms.

No compromises

This is related to the previous point. When traveling with a partner, be it spouse, lover, colleague, or friend, you will always have to compromise. People have different interests and preferences. Not everyone is interested in the same things, and it is not fun having to travel with others when you are not interested in what they are doing. You want to check out a museum, but your travel companions want to hit the beach. Your friends want to take a walking tour, but you’d rather go on a bus tour. If you have to compromise to keep your mates happy, your fun trip can easily take a turn for the worst.


Some travelers prefer going solo because they want to spend some time on their own in order to reflect upon various aspects of their lives. If you enjoy your company or want to connect with yourself spiritually, solo traveling might just be the best way of going about.

Meet new people

Traveling alone will help you meet new people and make friends along the way. Maybe dining alone from time to time won’t be the most romantic thing in the world, but don’t succumb to desperation. Those who travel alone almost never feel lonely. In every place, beach, bar, hostel, airport or station, you will easily find another traveler who is eager to share his travel experiences with you. Cultivating these short but intense friendships is a great way to increase your general knowledge and to improve yourself.


Traveling alone encourages you to test yourself in new situations and to get to know yourself better. You might discover that you are, in fact, a lot stronger than you thought and that “impossible” means much less than what you have always made it out to be. On your return, you won’t be a totally changed person, but simply the best version of yourself.

Closing words

Spending a little time alone never hurt anyone. Indeed, as we said, it can bring great benefitsDo not be afraid of traveling alone. Chances are you will probably feel less alone while traveling than you feel in your current life. And, once you get started, you won’t get enough of traveling alone.

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