Top 5 Romantic Destinations You Shouldn’t Miss

When it comes to choosing your next holiday destination, whether we are talking about a honeymoon or a romantic getaway, our planet has no shortage of stunning places that are worth experiencing at least once in a lifetime.

Even though the large majority of people prefer destinations that include perfectly white-sand beaches and turquoise waters, or cities soaked in European charm such as Paris or Rome, there are various other places that are equally amazing.

Here is my list of the top 5 romantic destinations you shouldn’t miss:

Bruges, Belgium

Even though Belgium is definitely not the ultimate romantic destination, it is home to one of Europe’s most romantic cities – Bruges. Regarded by some as Europe’s most romantic city, this medieval masterpiece has a unique charm thanks to its interesting neo-Gothic architecture, narrow cobbled streets, quiet and intimate residential squares, a collection of impressive heritage sites, and probably the most tranquil canals in the world.

There’s really nothing like strolling around while holding the arm of your loved one and admiring the swans that inhabit the city’s amazing canals.

Kyoto, Japan

Japan has always been at the top of most travel aficionados’ bucket lists. Located in the Kansai region of Japan, Kyoto is the capital city of Kyoto Prefecture, and one of the best romantic destinations in the land of the rising sun. Not only is it one of the best places to get an authentic Japanese cherry blossom experience, but it’s also a very tranquil-inducing place with fascinating history and culture, lush bamboo forests, and some of the best temples, palaces, and shrines in all of Japan.

While you’re there, make sure you enjoy an arm-in-arm stroll around the little-known Arashiyama area.

Santorini, Greece

When it comes to picking a romantic destination for you and your loved one, you can’t really go wrong with Greece, more specifically, with Greece’s islands. Santorini is renowned for its white-washed homes and blue-domed churches, but it’s also a place with some of the best sunsets the world has to offer. Speaking of sunsets, we recommend you check out the sunset at Oia.

Koh Lipe, Thailand

Thailand is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting destinations for any holiday, romantic getaways included. The country has some of the world’s best beaches, an incredible culture, a vibrant nightlife, bustling and fascinating markets, and, best of all, it’s not exactly expensive. Situated in the Andaman sea, 60 km from the Thai mainland and 30 km from Langkawi, Malaysia, it’s one of the most southern points of the country. It’s a place where you and your loved one can experience everything from waking up and going to sleep while enjoying the waves crashing outside your bungalow all the way up to exciting island hoping sessions.

Seville, Spain

Even though Barcelona is the most visited city of Spain, Seville is definitely the country’s most romantic city that oozes Andalusian charm and elegance. There’s nothing like enjoying a lovely walk on a hot summer evening with your loved one in Seville’s Jewish Quarter, hidden in the narrow streets of El Barrio Santa Cruz. The neighborhood may be difficult to navigate through, but while you and your loved one are at it, you might even get to stumble across a local musician playing flamenco tunes just for the two of you.

I wish you an unforgettable romantic escape!

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