Remote Year and What It Is

There is no need to choose between travel and work. Remote Year communities that include specialists, entrepreneurs and freelancers based all over the world are ready to help you collate these activities. You can spend from 4 to 12 months a year working and at the same time you are exploring the world. Are you thinking how is this possible?

What is Remote Year?

Remote Year community is characterized by passion, ambition, pleasure to travel and to develop both personally and professionally. The community brings together people willing to try something different. Thus, you have the opportunity to interact with numerous specialists from attractive fields from your point of view in order to be part of a new project that can offer you freedom at the same time.

Working, traveling, discovering, learning and having fun, to manage them all together is no longer a problem. Remote Year is not a simple program that offers unique development opportunities but is a global community that will change your perceptions about the surrounding world. It changes everybody that risks and gets involved.

How does it work?

Thousands of remotes have benefitted from such programs. So, the principle is a simple one. You decide where do you want to travel and the community helps you to find remote jobs. You will spend one month in different cities. Imagine, if you want to be part of the Remote Year program for one year, you will travel to 12 cities at least.

You are not traveling alone. There is always a Remote Leader who supports you for a year wherever you are moving.

About the Remote Year community

Once you join the Remote Year program, you join a community of thousands of people from all over the world, from different fields of activity as well as from different ages, but who still have some visible similarities.

All of them are remotely supporting the community. That’s why it’s a privilege to be part of the Remote Year team. With their help, an independent freelancer can easily travel and work across the globe.

How much does Remote Year program cost?

Well, there is a fee of $5,000 US you must pay in order to secure your place in the program. Additionally, you have to add $ 2,000 US (for 11 months) per each month spent on the program, which provides you with the following five important things: private stay in an apartment or hotel; 24/7 access to Wi-Fi services; access to professional, cultural and social events; Remote Year discounts in each city and it also assures you with all the displacements between locations.

Which are your benefits?

Imagine traveling for a year with no worries about accommodation or job. The community deals with all the details. They are helping you to find the best offer and provide the most memorable experience you’ve ever had. Besides this, you have the chance to interact with different cultures and perceptions.


Remote Year is an interactive platform and a great option for those who want to try something different. It allows independent freelancers to travel and work at the same time in different cities across the world. For a fixed price, you are assured with job, travel, accommodation expenses and a lot of memorable memories.

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