St. Patrick’s Day Cabin Trip

I am headed to Blue Ridge, GA for a cabin trip hosted by Global Socialites! While I have stayed in a few cabins before, this happens to be my favorite because of the activities they have in this area. While there, I plan on disconnecting, of course, and also participating in an outdoor activity or two such as hiking, or horseback riding…. Maybe even some wine tasting! There will be about 22 people on this cabin trip so everyone is welcomed. The cabin is 6 bedrooms and many many beds. They also have an indoor Jacuzzi! So if you feel like being “one with nature” head over to the Global Socialites FB Page and shoot them a message!

Location: Blue Ridge, GA

Date: March 16th – 18th

Cost:: $95.00 (This includes food while in the cabin)

Transportation: TBD once attendants are solidified however, personal transportation is allowed

Deadline: January 31, 2018




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