Travel Tip Tuesday: How to Get Through TSA Lines Quickly

Airports nowadays are busier than ever, with endless lines at check-ins and unpredictable security wait times. It is almost impossible to spare even a few minutes to grab a snack, go to the bathroom or even worse if you’re running late and end up getting stuck in one of those never-ending TSA lines!Experienced travelers know that getting through Transport Security Administration (TSA) requires more than just good luck and always have a few tricks up their sleeve. Here are a few tips that can help you get though the security airport checkup faster and easier the next time you decide on flying.

1. Have your paperwork ready

Keep your passport/drivers license and boarding passes somewhere accessible so you don’t end up fumbling for them in your bag. Have them separated from other items by holding them in a distinct compartment or pocket.Most airlines even provide you a digital boarding pass which you can pull up on your phone. Make sure you have that up and ready… the last thing you need is to get to the front of the line and you can’t load the app due to lack of service, or worse… your phone dies!

2. Plan your flights

There are certain seasons and days in which airlines are less crowded. If you have the possibility, avoid the Christmas and New Year’s period, spring break and early to mid-summer season because these are the most crowded.Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays after noon-time are the best times to book your flight as most travelers prefer to come back on Sundays. The worst time to book a flight would be from 7- 10 am Mondays and Fridays, those being the most popular days for business travelers, trust me on this.

3. Check the line

The shortest line is not necessarily the equivalent of a fast line. Try not to stand behind families with young children or tour groups of senior citizens. Business travelers usually move very fast because they are almost always in a hurry and carry barely any luggage. Quick tip: go for the far right or left scanner lanes.

4.Pack like a pro

Pack things by category. It will save you and the TSA agent more time. Label your bottles and products to recognize them easily. Check beforehand the airline’s guidelines regarding what you can pack, but all airlines have the “liquids and gels must be max 3 oz. and fit in a 1-quart bag” rule.Avoid lugging around clutter with you. Pack out of reach and sight anything you will not need or use from the time you get out your front door till the moment you get on your airplane seat.TSA requires travelers to remove large electronic items like laptops, camcorders or DVD players from their cases and then put each item in its own bin for them to be X-rayed. Have a laptop bag that can be easily unzipped and laid flat on the X-ray machine’s belt.Weigh your bags before you leave home so can avoid being scrutinized by the airport check-in agents.

5. Dress smart

Keep jewelry, belts and cell phone in your carry-on and keep valuables in the pockets of your jacket before you send it through the X-ray. In this way, you can redress at your gate.In most airports, you must take off your shoes in order for you to pass the metal detectors, so make sure you have shoes that can be taken off easily (not things that have a ton of laces, buckles or complicated straps). Also, don’t forget to wear socks.

6. Airport Security Programs

This might not be super beneficial for the once a year traveler – however, if you find yourself traveling more than five times a year I would recommend enrolling in one of the TSA security programs.

TSA Precheck: This program, while it does cost $85.00 for 5 years, is great for regional USA based travelers who simply get annoyed by having to take off their shoes and remove major electronics from their bags. Along with being able to access shorter TSA lines, you won’t have to do any of that! You will be able to leave on your shoes, belt, and light outwear. Also, you won’t have to go through your bag to remove your laptop, tablets, or liquid. A frequent flyer’s dream.

Global Entry: Pricing in a little higher at $100.00 for 5 years adds a few additional privileges. While still being able to reap all the benefits from TSA Precheck, you will also gain access to expedited USA customs, and boarder protection lines. This comes in handy for all my international travelers out there. The last thing you want is to get home from a long flight and be stuck for an hour + in a line to go home.

Clear: This program is fairly new, so of course I had to try it! While some people are still trying to figure out if it is worth it, I have decided that it is, and even more so in conjunction with one of the programs above.  With Clear you no longer have the need to pull out your Driver’s License when going through their designated TSA lines – instead, you use your finger print or retina scan… yes, that’s right folks… your eyeball. Even though Clear has not made it to every airport yet, it is currently in 25 major airports, including Atlanta of course. Currently the cost for Clear is $179 annually, however if you have a Delta SkyMiles number that amount is discounted to $79.00 annually.Clear is currently still offering many 3 month trials. Feel free to shoot me a message via my contact page and I would be happy to provide you more details about this, or anything else mentioned above.

I hope that these tips will make your wait in line much shorter and get you to what’s really important – your next travel adventure!

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