Ways to Pass Time on a Plane

We all have experienced the dreadful boredom of long haul flights where you feel you can no longer last another second of sitting in your seat. But not all flights have to be an annoying and unpleasant experience. Here are a few things that you can occupy your mind while you pass the time on the flight to your next epic adventure:

Start reading

What better way to catch up on your reading than bringing a book or your e-reader on a flight. If you are in the mood for a lighter read, pick up your favorite fashion magazine or newspaper and do some crossword puzzles and check out what are the latest fashion trends.

You can bring along a travel themed book and get yourself better acquainted with the culture of the place you’re traveling to. But for those of you that get easily bored, it’s best to opt for a book with a plot to keep you captivated.

Movie time

Most airlines provide in-flight entertainment, but if the featured movie is actually boring you even more, stock up your laptop, tablet or handheld device with movies that you’ve been dying to see.


Remember when you used to binge for hours until end without moving? You can put that skill to use, and start another binge marathon with a captivating series. Just pop up your headphones, press play and start getting into that movie.

Socialize with your seat-mate

If your seat mate is giving signs that he/she is in a chatty mood, strike up a conversation with him/her. Maybe you have similar plans and in that way, you’ll have someone to pass time with at the airport too.

You never know what type of person you’ll meet, and you might end up having an intense 3-hour long chat about topics that passionate you. And if you get really comfortable talking to each other, ask them if they want to play a game, not like in SAW but like tic-tac-toe or “I spy”.


And if we’re on the topic of catching up with things you’re behind on, if you can, sleep is a great way to make those hours go by and maybe be able to balance out that jetlag. You’ll wake up feeling rested and with your batteries charged. Just be sure to never pick the seats in the last row or the row in front of an emergency exit – you’ll have a lot of people walking past you, and often times these seats don’t recline… trust me on this.

These are a few suggestions that will warp time on your flight, and keep in mind that no matter how long the flight may be, it does eventually have to end.

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